Friday, April 6, 2012

Happy? Birthday

As todays sun rises upon thee

A year older thou turnst

A year wiser, a year smarter

Forever Young may thou be!

I pray, the Gods to thee be kind

Grant thee good health and peace of mind

For if not for their Grace and Love

That they shower on thee from above

Thou would have no life to call thy own

Like dust in the wind thou wouldst be blown

Snuffed shall be thy mortal Soul

As like fire, when water meets burning coal

Like smoke rising up to the sky

Thou will crumble, wither and die

Thy bones and flesh one day shall be dust

If not today, some tomorrow it must!


A week or so after my birthday this year, I felt poetic all of a sudden. After much deliberation I decided to have a go and unleash the poet within me, and somehow managed to write a few lines. The whiplash left me intact and unhurt, and I sincerely hope you remain so as well.

If there are no random, sudden deaths of people I know; who knows, I might even continue!